The word over at The 'H' Word, was Sisyphean, which reminds me I have real work to do, with that in mind, I hope this puzzle proves to be easier; be the first to identify the location and date of site in the picture below, and you can host you own When on Google Earth!
Extra Clue: King Tut was not buried here . . .
Now a special bonus clue in comments . . . .

The Rules
Q: What is When on Google Earth?
A: It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go!
Q: How do you play it?
A: Simple, you try to identify the site in the picture.
Q: Who wins?
A: The first person to correctly identify the site, including its major period of occupation, wins the game.
Q: What does the winner get?
A: The winner gets bragging rights and the chance to host the next When on Google Earth on his/her own blog!
More about When on Google Earth
Join, or Please update, the Facebook group here.
For a list of previous winners see Electric Archaeologist here …
Eloy Cano Castro has compiled the first 100 challenges of the game which is available from this link as a KMZ file for GoogleEarth.
Eloy Cano Castro has compiled the first 100 challenges of the game which is available from this link as a KMZ file for GoogleEarth.
Please could some kind competitor update the Facebook page.
Facebook is updated.
Thanks Felix
Semi-arid landscape, mud (adobe?) platforms that have some sort of depression in their centers, what looks to be terraced fields. I'm sure I'll kick myself later, but right now I'm thinking something in Peru.
Hi Paul,
mmm, well, it's time for a clue then;
King Tut was not buried here . . .
It is not Peru. It is not Egypt as the pattern of the fields does not fit. Also egyptian pyramids are much higher. The landscape looks very much like Mexico.
I thought they might be mastaba, if not in Egypt then perhaps Sudan? But I cant find one to match.
Interesting archaeology/WOGE eh?
I was pleased when I found these; it's a challenge to find suitable new old things.
Some interesting guesses so far, but if nobody gets it today I'll give another clue.
It is time for a clue as there have been some interesting guesses, and people looking in the wrong place, but if you look carefully, you might see things like llamas, but not alpacas, angoras, nor lions or camels.
Eloy: This is your backyard !!
Still both way off !
I don't think so, Felix... I believe this is China from first time I saw; but I have no clue despite Geoff's messages.
Controversial, but Eloy is a lot warmer that the rest of you . . . .
Lets summarize the "informations" we have.
* not mechanized agriculure, very small fields, simple infrastructure
* 4 square shapes 100sq meters. height maybe 15-25 meters.
* outside of the squares rough, vertical structures so i would roule out bricks as material
* landscape arid. very few little trees/bushes
* small flat-roof buildings, not spread out but somehow connected to a sort of village.
* Shadow of the buildings long and northern. Location is to 100% north of 23°S and likely north of the equator.
* So Peru is not very likely, also in Peru there are Alpacas
* As there are no camels and no lions it is not Egypt and not the middle East.
* the pattern of the fields looks very much like Mexiko, but it isn't. Mexico is the only place I looked and I didn't find it. With a little scale like this I do not give a guarantee.
* So Geoff said: "like llamas". LLamas belong to the family Camelidae. We can rule out LLamas, Alpacas
We can rule out "Vicuna" as they live in Argentina, and that's too south.
We can rule out "Guanaco", too southern
Then we do have the "Dromedary" with goes eastern up to Pakistan/Usbekistan which is close to China.
And last but not least we have the "Bactrian Camel" living in northern China and
southern Mongolia. (What am I glad, I studied 2 semesters Biology).
So my newest guess would be a bow from Pakistan/Usbekistan (the soil fits) maybe Mongolia.
From the soils and the shadows, I'm kicking around Sumeria, but alas, no joy. So many sites. Not enough time.
I still maintain that the platforms, themselves, look like they're made of mud. (Though whether bricks, adobe, or pisé, I don't know.) The flat roofed modern structures suggest the Middle East, but that's not certain either. Geoff's hints, and Felix's parsing of them suggest eastern Asia, probably Tibet or Mongolia. But, again, I can't be sure. Time to hit the old Google and Google Earth again!
Hi Geoff
How about the pyramids of the emperors on the Qin Chuan plains in Shaanxi province, China, 221bc-1234ad
Very good try Tim, the pyramids on the Qin Chuan plains in Shaanxi province of China are fabulous and often forgotten archaeology, but sadly incorrect.
However, you are the closest so far, and the date we are looking for, falls nicely within the range you suggest.
Okay Geoff
How about the tombs of the Tibetan kings the Chongye valley, Tibet, 7th to the 9th century?
pot on Tim - you got it!
It is The Valley of the Kings, or Chongye Valley, where the Kings of Tibetan Empire were buried from C7th -c9th ce.
Congratulations - it's over to you .
Oh very well done, Tim! I'd searched all over that way, but only Mongolia and China. Nicely picked!
Thanks Geoff
I knew my time wasting talents would come in handy some day. Now I have to figure how to host WOGE 118?
HI Tim
Oh Yes!
It is the end of my WQOGE season - so if you want a hand just let me know.
You can host it at the AR of E, [or quickly set up new blog]. I can edit the image for you if needed.
Drop me a line if I can help.
Hey Tim
What's happenin' mate, you need a hand?
Geoff: since 7 days, the game has stopped, as we do not get a new challenge from Tim ( I would suggest to wait until Saturday 12:00 UTC. If there is still no new WOGE, I would suggest that you are going to publish a new one 117a. As you do have Tims email address, maybe you would like to get in contact with him?
Felix, I have to agree.
Let it be so.
Hi Geoff
I will not be able to host WOGE 118 experiencing tech. difficulties, hope this is not a problem
Thanks Geoff
Thanks Tim,
Ok, if there are no objections, I will reset the competition at 6pm local time Friday feb 4.
thank you for clarification
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