Hopefully, some of the technical aspects have improved over part 1.
A brief summary of part 1 is accompanied by mildly banging music, despite the risks inherent risks in raising expectations on raising peoples expectations.
This will probably be cut down to become an standard intro to any future TSA videos.
The third part of Understanding Hadrian's Wall ~ The Hidden Disaster will have a full list of credits etc. It may even be possible to create a final summary video that runs for a modest length of time - with the mistakes taken out, and a more even quality.
The intended audience of the original talks, the passing trade at The Twice Brewed Inn, could not be assumed to have any detailed background in the archaeology of the period, so it was important the establish the geographical, social and historical background.
If directed at archaeology students or enthusiasts, it can be done in an hour, although 20 minute conference slot is a waste of time, unless you go full on blitzkrieg mode. Unfortunately, the inherent scepticism of the scientific and evidence based reasoning of Structural Archaeology is not always welcome in an environment where people have job for life in a monopoly and are judged by their conformity, and their knowledge of Latin, not soil science.
Many thanks again to Andy for his continued support and patience - I will return to proper archaeology soon, and leave the Imperialist pig-dogs with their regular buildings and running water - what did they ever do for us?
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