A recent episode of illness, has made me reconsider my route to market and the future of this blog. I have been working on a book, but the complexities of 3D modelling are not well suited to text.
However, there is another darker issue; my work will not be accepted while I am alive.
As a result of my year as a postgrad at Newcastle University, the use of engineering to understand the archaeology of engineered structures, and more specifically, in this case Hadrian’s Wall, has been ruled worthless and without value, although it might have been considered a courtesy to have read it first. However, in a mindless dystopian world governed by a code academic omertà, I am now verboten, persona non grata, outcast in a vale of tribulation and mixed metaphor.
Having been sentenced to a life of the living dead, where only my demise will make this form evidence acceptable, I not going to pull any punches.
If, in less than an hour, you can deconstruct a course that costs students hundreds, if not thousands of pounds, discouraging people waste their money studying archaeology at these bottom feeding Russel brand universities is a public service.
If, as in this case, people are being charged real money for a bunch of ill-assorted ideas that were nonsense when they dreamt up by medieval monks and Victorian gentlemen, but have been passed on for generations with all the credulous zeal and fact checking of a medieval scriptorium, - don’t expect acquiescence from any archaeologist with a passing acquaintance with soil science.
I am starting with the Hadrian’s Wall, as it is relatively simple archaeology, and while much of the contemporary narrative is immutable balderdash, it can’t hold a candle to imaginary ritual landscape that illuminates contemporary British Prehistory, a topic I have promised [Andy] to return to.

.. So I resolved to find some eccentric item of dress, perhaps a hat, rent the whole wall of books, liberally sprinkle it with extraneous exotic artefacts, perhaps a weapon or two, and a model of Stonehenge descending from the ceiling surrounded by dancing …….
….. After I recovered sufficiently from whatever pestilence was attacking my temporal gland, I decided it would be best if I reproduced the talk that I was giving on The Wall last year at the Twice Brewed Inn. I already had the slides, so there was no reason for me to become visually involved, that’a a treat reserved for the real people who come to the real thing, and not something to expose to all the imaginary virtual people on YouTube.
All you have to do is keep talking for 60 minutes without making too many mistakes, while recording it to a reasonable standard, and after all, people who have time to find pyramid shaped rocks on Mars seem to manage it, so how hard could it be?
The creative process has been interesting, in its most ironic and antonymous sense,or so my Production Executive Tiny informs me, although he is partial to a good animation. We have been learning together, so hopefully, future output ~ Parts 2 & 3, will be of a more consistent standard and quicker to produce.

In this introduction, I have to cover much well trodden ground, but as a general rule, I don’t want to waste time telling you what you could read in any guide book.
It lasts 37 minutes; there are no sweeping shots of the modern landscape peppered with snow, accompanying blaring trumpets heralding marching feet, and a booming voice telling you about a distant frontier of the greatest empire the world has ever hyperbolised - that’s all on order with the shed load of books, the sharp suit and the eye-catching neckwear.
So look out for more video content on my new YouTube Channel;
It lasts 37 minutes; there are no sweeping shots of the modern landscape peppered with snow, accompanying blaring trumpets heralding marching feet, and a booming voice telling you about a distant frontier of the greatest empire the world has ever hyperbolised - that’s all on order with the shed load of books, the sharp suit and the eye-catching neckwear.

Had to abandon Hants. due to excessive heat, and found this waiting for me.
So a quick skim didn't show me anything that hasn't been orthodoxy since .. pfftt .. late 70s or thereabouts.
Slowly grinding my way through it now. You'll be pleased to know the editor is a product of Newcastle, one of George Jobey's.
The final bit is a jeremiad about the absence of buildings in EBA British Isles. Or even Nearer Europe. Just some squalid roundish/amygdaloid hovels .. maybe.
I'll give you a lend of it when I'm done, although it actually made me feel as quite depressed and sad as the editors seem to be. All that time, brainpower and peasants' taxmoney, and nothing has changed, it seems.
Just the weather for spray on features - look at the dark mark I just made with my spray gun!
Re; not many postholes then....
Are they .....Itinerant ? . . . pot makers wandering the countryside in search of their flocks, Bopeep Beakers; perhaps Bell Beakers are quasi onomatopoeiaic form references to their flocks with bells wandering past their hovels, as in bellwether beaker.
The French do call them Campaniform, which crystallises my hypothesis that they spent their whole lives in tents, using Campingaz. A bit like me, really ...
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