14 December, 2010

When on Google Earth 105

Against my own better judgement, I succumbed to temptation, and solved Felix's WOGE 104, which turned out to be the Hohentwiel Fortress built in 914 AD, in the Hegau region of Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany.

So this is my challenge, be the first to correctly identify the site below and its major period of occupation in the comments below and you can host your own!

Now with extra clue: see comments

The rules:

Q: What is When on Google Earth?
A: It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go!
Q: How do you play it?
A: Simple, you try to identify the site in the picture.
Q: Who wins?
A: The first person to correctly identify the site, including its major period of occupation, wins the game.
Q: What does the winner get?
A: The winner gets bragging rights and the chance to host the next When on Google Earth on his/her own blog!
More about WOGE
For a list of previous winners see Electric Archaeologist here …

Good luck . .


  1. Geoff: could you confirm us, that the length of your scale bar is 700m. Or do you mean 700 foot? After measuring various obects on the picture, I do have the feeling, that the length of the scale bar is 70m. Thanks.

  2. Hi Felix
    Just double checked it, and it is definitely 700m. [+/- 3m allowing for line thickness.]

  3. No probs Felix, it's good to be sure.

    I'm sorry, there is not much geology to go on in this one.

    BTW; re; recent discussion of difficulty; take a look at WOGE58


    It's incredibly obscure, and IMO the toughest yet.

  4. With the geological WhereOnGoogleEarth we hat 20 challenges in 5 weeks. So every 2 days a new picture to look at. We had also 4 new winners. If you do not get your pretty tough pictures solved, I would kindly suggest to publish some clues. This could make it more interesting for newcomers and you would get more puzzles in return.

  5. Ok, Felix
    In honour of the Solstice, when the sun dies and is born again in the sign of Virgo the virgin I will give a big clue.

    The site is, in part, an ancient harbour.

  6. Thank you for the clue. I'm working on it in India at the moment..

  7. Could we have one more clue please? *Offers home-baked shortbread in possible bribery exercise*

  8. Notwithstanding my wheat allergy, I will accept to your offer of bribery; I think adding ground rice improves the texture of shortbread.

    The site belongs to an civilisation named after a river.

  9. Found it (With thanks to the clues....)

    Lothal, Gujarat, India

    Lothal was a major port and a center of the bead industry until about 1900bc

    Check out http://www.harappa.com/lothal/index.html for some more great info

  10. Well done Dan-O, it is Lothal, Gujarat, India, which was a major port and cultural centre of the Indus Valley Civilisation, starting about 2400 BCE.

    So it's over to you . . .

  11. I hope I did this right - 106 is up - http://redsticks.wordpress.com/2010/12/29/when-on-google-earth-106/

    Good Luck!


  12. Hi Geoff, the scale on your picture should have been 350m instead of 700m. I compared your picture with the original picture of GoogleEarth. By measuring features on the picture and comparing the scale it turns out, that your scale was 100% to big. I would recommend to use unmodified images with the original scale.

  13. It appears I misunderstood the way Google Earth displays scales.
    Thanks for pointing this out.
